When was Radar invented?

Sir Robert Watson-Watt in the year 1935 invented the first practical radar in the United Kingdom. A Handley Page Heyford bomber was detected by his radar from a distance of… Read more »

When was Anesthesia invented?

In 1839, Alfred Velpeau invented anesthesia. It is used in surgery to prevent the pain of patients with or without loss of consciousness and is given mainly through injection, inhaled… Read more »

When was the curling iron invented?

In the year 1890, the curling iron or curling tong was actually invented by Marcel Grateau. Rene Lelievre and Roger Lemoine in 1959 invented the first electric curling iron.

When was NBA formed?

In the year 1949, the National Basketball Association was formed by merging with two competitors’ organizations, the National Basketball League that was found in 1937 and the Basketball Association of… Read more »